Clenia- Cleanning Services

Top 10 Sectors of India having high GDP

Year - 2023

Source :- FY20 - FY23 (IBEF, Modor Intelligence, BFSI, Macrotrends)

Rank Criteria (GDP) Industry GDP Contribution Revenue Generated (US$ Billion)
1 Financial services 16.6% 500
2 Manufacturing 16.3% 451
3 Agriculture 16.2% 356
4 Information Technology and BPM 7.4% 245
5 Automobile 7.1% 100
6 Real estate 7.0% 200
7 Retail 6.8% 705
8 Construction 6.7% 639
9 Logistics and transportation 6.5% 274
10 Healthcare 5.8% 372


Paris is the capital of France.


Tokyo is the capital of Japan.