Chrome Retail Track is a comprehensive solution that provides deep insights and analytics for the retail industry, based on an extensive coverage of 6,100 towns, 1,03,000+ retail stores, and 1,100 brands across India. With Retail Track, brands can access valuable data and insights to assess their investments on collaterals, evaluate their share of visibility compared to competition, and measure in-shop and out-shop brand visibility vis-a-vis competition.

Assessment of Investments Incurred on Collaterals : Chrome Retail Track enables brands to assess their investments on collaterals, such as signage, and promotional materials. By tracking and analyzing the presence, placement, and effectiveness of collaterals in retail stores, Retail Track provides brands with actionable insights on the return on investment (ROI) of their collateral investments.

Evaluation of % Share of Visibility vis-a-vis Competition: Retail Track allows brands to evaluate their share of visibility compared to competition in retail stores. Through sophisticated data collection and analysis, Retail Track measures the visibility and placement of brands' products or displays in relation to competitors, providing brands with valuable insights on their competitive positioning. This helps brands make data-driven decisions on strategies to stand out from competition, and gain a competitive edge in the retail landscape.

In-Shop & Out-Shop Brand Visibility vis-a-vis Competition : Retail Track provides brands with comprehensive insights on their brand visibility both inside and outside the retail stores. By analyzing factors such as store facades, window displays, aisle displays, and outdoor advertising, Retail Track measures the in-shop and out-shop brand visibility in comparison to competition. This helps brands understand their brand's prominence, impact, and performance in retail environments and identify areas for improvement or optimization. Brands can leverage these insights to optimize their in-shop and out-shop brand visibility strategies, enhance their brand image, and capture consumer attention more effectively.